Keep Pearland Beautiful (KPB) invites all to the 8th Annual ‘Plant Thyme Fall Luncheon’ in conjunction with the 7th Annual Herb and Plant Sale – at the Pearland Community Center, 3523 Liberty Dr., on Friday, October 7. Luncheon tickets are $30, with proceeds benefiting KPB projects and our new Environmental Education Center Building Fund.

The speaker, Greg Grant, is a horticulturist, conservationist, garden writer, and seventh generation East Texan from Arcadia, Texas. He is co-author of Home Landscaping-Texas (2004) and The Southern Heirloom Garden (1995), writes the popular “In Greg’s Garden” column for Texas Gardener magazine, and contributes regularly to Neil Sperry’s Gardens magazine. In Greg’s Garden, a Pineywoods Perspective on Gardening, Nature, and Family was published as a Kindle book in 2010. An extensively revised Heirloom Gardening in the South with Dr. William C. Welch will be published by Texas A&M Press in 2011. He serves as a part time research associate for garden outreach at Stephen F. Austin State University’s SFA Gardens in Nacogdoches, Texas.

The doors to the Center will be open at 10:30am, where a silent auction will also take place in conjunction with the luncheon. Please make your plans now to be on hand for the Plant Thyme Fall Luncheon and Plant Sale on October 7, 2011. Plants from the sale will also be available for purchase on October 8, 2011 at the Pearland Farmers Market, located at Zychlinski Park, 2243 Grand Blvd. Call 281-652-1659 for ticket or plant sale information.